
THIEVING BASTARDZZZ   Complete Musical Disasters   7" VINYL   (SPHC)    6.50

This 7" is a blast. Crude sleeve art and a terribly xeroxed insert sheet made me think I was getting another megadose of the total noisecore that SPHC has been battering me with lately, but this sixteen-song EP comes at you from a different direction: these goons out of Manchester, England play a brand of hardcore punk I don't hear too often anymore, a completely brain-damaged , glue-huffing gutter thrash that is weird as fuck. The songs veer from sloppy, discombobulated mid-tempo hardcore to hyperspeed, even borderline noisecore and back to gross jangly poppy punk shamble that makes me think of the Sockeye crew and their inebriated silliness. It's wild shit, totally chaotic and collapsing primitive hardcore and an absurdly mumbling vocalist and killer thrashcore riffs and random musical asides that go nowhere, with the a-side closing with the anthemic "Greedy Bastards" that sounds like they copped a certain Queen riff and twiste it towards their own atonal ends. Pretty glorious, actually. There's definitely an "outsider hardcore" vibe going on here, the speed and barreling violence of many of the songs reminioscemnt of classic thrashcore from Heresy, Siege or Larm (the latter being mentioned in the label's description of the 7", in fact), but mushed into that goofball humerous delivery and intwined with the sort of gnarled, chaotic strangeness of stuff like Psycho Sin and the amazing no-fi clusterfuck HC of the UK band Genocide Association (which happened to include a young, pre-Earache Digby Pearson). Anyways, this platter is a ripper that takes the title of " Complete Musical Disasters " absolutely seriously, large chunks of it sounding quite poissbly improvised. Just as ridiculous are the song titles and lyrics, which include stuff like "Aaaahhhh!", "I Love My Mum", "Cool Fabby Song", "Secret Pizza Eater", and "Elephant Song". This EP makes me want to run straight up my walls and chow down on some cheese bread. Uncontrolled anti-musical fun.