This tough-to-find 7" from 1993 features two crushing tunes from the Japanese noise/math metal gods, "Disgraceland" and "Autobody". Released by Alternative Tentacles (and easily one of the heaviest goddamn things the label has ever put out), this EP is primo angular crunch; "Disgraceland" unleashes a lethal groove and machinelike drumming and then drops a weird noise passage in the middle before kicking back in with that steamroller riff, and "Autobody" is a vicious atonal assault in Zeni Geva's speed metal/samurai style, all angular thrash riffing, energetic fast paced drumming, and K.K. Null shouting battle commands over everything. But then ZG kicks you square in the jaw halfway through with a droning math rock break and a disturbing slide guitar solo. This stuff still crushes. On black vinyl.